Monday, 20 April 2020

Sam’s drawing of Anzac Ted

Here is my drawing of Anzac Ted. I listened to the story this morning. I enjoyed hearing about Ted's bravery. I learnt my great grandfather was in the First World War. He rode a horse. Here is a photo of him. I wanted to look as serious as a soldier!
I am going to write about my favourite toy soon.


  1. Kia Ora Sam,

    wow that is a great picture of ANZAC Ted. I love that you spoke with your parents about WW1 to find out about your grandfather, you definitely look serious like a soldier. My sister and mother visited the graves of my great great uncles who died in WW1, they are buried at Rouen and Somme. Have you seen the exhibition at Te Papa about WW1, here is a link to their site, which tells you all about it

    What have you learnt about WW1 that you didn't know before?

    Miss Hart

  2. Michelle Pritchard20 April 2020 at 13:22

    Hi Sam,
    James great great uncles, Ted and Ned rode in the Mounted rifle and we have a old spur (used to make the horse go faster) at home that they used in WW1.

    1. Hi James,

      That is fascinating. Do you have a picture that you could share with us?

      Miss Hart

    2. Hi James,

      It's great to hear about your family connection too. And that's really cool that your family has managed to keep something from that time for you to look at and think about what Ted and Ned were like.

      Mrs Hamilton

  3. Hi Sam,

    This is great learning with your personal family connection to the war. I like your picture of Anzac Ted, especially the details on his hat. What was your great grandfather's name? Did he know how to ride a horse before he left for war?

    Mrs Hamilton


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