Thursday 30 April 2020

Pixie-Rose's ANZAC biscuits

Joshua Thursday's activities

Imogen- Bugs and Salt Dough!

Exploring our garden

I pulled off some bark from our Gum tree and found thousands of ants crawling around.

 A fat slimy slug. 

Reading maths and writing

Sent from my iPadToday I made play dough then maths then I did reading then
Next time I will be neater.

Maths shapes play dough by James

RE by James

The corn leaf was faster. The grape vine leaf was slowest.

And this little chicken come inside to help with school today.

Bug hunt by James

Here are some photos from todays bug hunt.
We found slaters, a spider, worms and some beetles.
There are lots of worms in the horse manure pile, they are very helpful as we put lots of the rotted poo on the garden.

We also found some cool toadstools (fungi).

Stella Reading

Beaus Bug Search

Stink bugs

Joseph’s Maths Shapes

Joseph's shapes in play dough

Ella's Hyena report

Striped hyenas are found in Africa and India. 
They go back to the Ice Age! 
Hyenas are scavengers and help keep the environment clean! 
I can see the stirpes of the striped hyena.
I can hear their laughing, it's like us! 
Hyenas smell their prey, and like to taste their food.
Hyenas fur feels soft. 
By Ella 


Imogen's- Reading and Writing Task

Joseph Reading

Josephs - Butterfly Cover and Comic Strip

Olivia's ANZAC Slideshow

Sam’s 3D playdough shapes

Hi there
We had lots of fun this morning making playdough. Sam first read and noted down the ingredients.