Friday, 24 April 2020

Joseph's Report on Snakes

My Animal Report

What is my animal?
My animal is a snake.
My snake has scales and a long body.

What does it look like?
It has a dark face and his body is a dark brown.

where does it live?
My snake lives in a swamp.

What does it eat?
Snakes eat fish, frogs and eggs.

Some facts about snakes

1) When snakes are cold they lay in the sun.
When they are hot they go under ground.

2) Snakes don,t have eyelids it must be hard to sleep.

3) Snakes swallow food whole.

4) Snakes have flexible jaws that they can eat things bigger than
     their head.

My favourite thing
I like snake because they have cool skin and they have different colours of skin.

By Joseph

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joseph,

    I like your report about snakes. Where did you get your facts from? I'm quite pleased that we don't have snakes in New Zealand because some are poisonous. I like your picture, especially the snake's fangs.

    Mrs Hamilton


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