Friday, 24 April 2020

Reid discovering the New Brighton War Memorial

As part of learning about ANZAC day we took a walk to the New Brighton War Memorial.
Reid said he thought it was a clock tower - but then he realised that there was no clock!
We discovered that this war memorial has place names on it. One of the places is Flanders. What a coincidence that our reading today was the poem "In Flanders Field".
We also noticed there is a flag pole nearby and we discussed how when we are remembering something sad, or the death of someone that flags are flown at half mast. We wonder if the flag will be able to fly at half mast this year?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Reid,

    I like that you were able to see something that is in our neighbourhood that you can see is related to your learning. I have been to the New Brighton ANZAC Day parade quite a few times, even when I was young like you. I think they lower the flag when the bugler plays The Last Post during the service, but it is raised again at the end of the song. Thanks for sharing your learning!

    Mrs Hamilton


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