Thursday, 7 May 2020

Making rewana bread by James.

I used potatoes from the garden to make some bread.


  1. Kia Ora James,

    wow it looks like your rewana bread turned out great. It is so good to see you using your own potatoes, I bet it made it even tastier. What other vegetables do you have in your garden?

    Miss Hart

    1. Michelle Pritchard8 May 2020 at 13:33

      Hi Mrs Hart.
      The bread tasted good. I have pumpkin, lettuce, cucumbers, courgettes, peas and lot of flowers.
      Do you have a garden? James

  2. Hi James that bread looks sooo delicious. I bet it tasted great. I like making bread too and I have potatoes in my garden. I might have to get your recipe.


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